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Legal Note

Responsible for content provided under the Domain bcose.de is:

Axel Porst


bcose Consulting Axel Porst


telefone +49 (0)89 / 4524 4172

letter  Axel Porst
Kellerstrasse 41
81667 München


Privacy, Cookies and Tracking

There is a legal text for this matter in the German Version of this page which is to be referred to as the policy of this website.
From my point of view the matters of this German text are as follows:

  1. This website uses cookies and Google Analytics.
  2. Cookies and Web Tracking also via Google Analytics is a standard technique in modern Websites.
  3. This is done to service you better.
  4. I am using IP anonymization so Google should obfuscate your IP adress at least at their servers in the US.
  5. you have several possiblities to omit Tracking via the settings of your browser: disable JavaScript, disable cookies, disable loading of images, disable Google Analytics Tracking (current URL to do so: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en).
  6. Please refer to the manual of your browser in the installed version for changing any of these settings
This is a private German Website and therefor legal definitions are available only in German language DE

 © Axel Porst 2003  

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